MAC Committees & Positions

Without the help of volunteer members, there would be no Midwest Archives Conference. Have you considered donating your time and expertise to help guide our organization? Below is a detailed list of committees and positions you might consider volunteering for. Contact the committee chairs or position holders to inquire into current or upcoming vacancies.

MAC Volunteer Position Information Spreadsheet

Elected Positions


The president shall be the principal executive officer of the Conference and perform all duties usually associated with the office and as enumerated in the parliamentary authority and such other duties as prescribed by Council from time to time, except when specified otherwise in the Conference bylaws.

Presidential Duties

Contact the President


The vice-president shall act as the assistant to the president and shall, in the absence of the president, be the presiding officer at council and membership meetings.

Contact the Vice-President


The treasurer or council-approved designee shall prepare and monitor the Conference’s annual budget.  The treasurer shall oversee bookkeeping and accounting activities, the completion of tax forms and other financial documents, prepare written and oral reports for council and the annual membership meeting, and facilitate long-term financial planning.

Contact the Treasurer


The secretary is the recording officer of the Conference and custodian of those records not specifically assigned to other officers. The secretary or council-approved designee shall maintain the minutes of council and membership meetings, committee reports, and other official files of the Conference; oversee the official membership records and publications fulfillment; act as liaison with the membership committee; and prepare written reports and summaries for council and Conference members as appropriate.

Contact the Secretary


The council shall have the power to conduct the business of the Conference between annual business meetings and to delegate authority as is not otherwise set forth in these bylaws.

Contact the Council

Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee's purpose is to identify appropriate individuals to stand for election to offices in MAC. In this task, the committee has extraordinary responsibility for the leadership of MAC. Members of the committee draw upon the Nomination Preference forms submitted by MAC members, on individual expressions of interest in serving the organization, and on their own experiences and observations of people who have been active in MAC. Ultimately, the goal of the committee is to find individuals who have leadership skills and who, as a whole, represent the diversity of the organization.

Nominating Committee Guidelines

Chair: Matthew Gorzalski, Chair (2024-2025)
Email: mgorz[at]
Elected members: Carol Street and Kristen Whitson

Appointed Positions

Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship for Students of Color

The Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship for Students of Color Committee reviews applications for the Archie Motley Memorial Scholarship for Minority Students in Archival Administration and awards two $750 scholarships annually to students from underrepresented ethnic groups pursuing graduate education in archival administration. The purpose of the scholarships is to encourage ethnic diversity within the MAC membership and the profession as a whole.

Motley Scholarship Committee Guidelines

Chair: Megan Keller Young (2024-2026)
Email: megank[at]

Archival Issues Editorial Board

The Editorial Board manages MAC's professional journal, Archival Issues, which is published semiannually. The board solicits and receives submissions for new articles, reviews them, and selects the articles for upcoming issues, then works with the authors, the copy editor, and the publications contractor to produce published issues of the journal. In addition to these routine duties, Archival Issues offers two awards on a biennial basis: the Margaret Cross Norton Award for the best article appearing in a two-year cycle of the journal, and the New Author Award for the best article in a two-year cycle by a previously unpublished author. An appointed committee judges articles for the two awards.

Editorial Board Guidelines
New Author Award Guidelines
Norton Award Guidelines

Contact the Archival Issues Editor

Development Coordinator

The Development Coordinator (DC) is concerned chiefly with long-term fund-raising for the organization. This includes moneys for such projects as MAC scholarships and special projects that may arise. Working closely with the Vendor Coordinator and Local Arrangement Committee fund-raisers, the DC maintains a donor database containing names, request dates, and purposes and results of solicitations along with solicitation correspondence. You can help by directing potential donors and coordinators to the DC.

Development Coordinator Guidelines

Contact the Development Coordinator

Education Committee

The Education Committee seeks to provide professional development and continuing education opportunities for members through workshops, special focus sessions, and other activities, usually in conjunction with MAC meetings. 

Charge and Membership

Education Committee Guidelines

Past Annual Meeting Workshops

Contact the Education Committee

Emeritus Scholarship for First Time MAC Meeting Attendees Committee

The Emeritus Scholarship for First Time MAC Meeting Attendees Committee is a standing committee of the Midwest Archives Conference (MAC), the purpose of which is to develop and oversee the Scholarship for First Time MAC Meeting Attendees. Each year the Committee awards up to two scholarships of at least $250 each to archivists who have not previously attended a MAC meeting. The award is open to undergraduate and graduate students, practicing archivists, and allied professionals with archival responsibilities. The Committee will consist of the Chair plus three additional members, who shall be appointed by the Chair. Committee members shall serve for staggered two-year terms and may be reappointed for one additional two-year term.

Emeritus Scholarship Committee Guidelines

Chair: Vicki Cooper (2020-2022)
Email: cooperv2[at]

Ethics and Inclusion Committee (EIC)

The EIC is responsible for promoting and developing a culture that values diversity, inclusion, and ethical behavior within MAC. The EIC works with MAC leaders to publicize the Code of Conduct and orient members and other event participants to the importance of these values in MAC programs and venues. The Committee monitors professional trends and developments in code of conduct, ethics, and values programs; oversees the MAC Code of Conduct complaint process and suggests revisions and improvements to said process; and undertakes other activities to advance diversity and inclusion in coordination with MAC Council.

The Committee consists of a chair and two members who have been nominated by the President and approved by Council. Ideally, individual members of this Committee have completed Active Bystander Training prior to service. The Chair of the Committee shall serve for two years and may be reappointed for one additional two-year term. Committee members shall serve for staggered two-year terms and may be reappointed for one additional two-year term.

Financial Advisory Committee

The Financial Advisory Committee was established in April 1998 as the Investment Advisory Committee, and its duties were expanded in 2002. The new title reflects its new duties: to provide advice to the Treasurer and to MAC Council concerning all financial matters, including investments, savings, income, and expenses. The committee consists of three past Treasurers and the current Treasurer. Members are nominated by the president and approved by Council in years when there is no election for treasurer. Service is for two years and is renewable.

Financial Advisory Committee Guidelines

Contact the Treasurer

Louisa Bowen Memorial Scholarship Committee

The Louisa Bowen Memorial Scholarship Committee reviews applications and annually awards one $750 scholarship and a one-year membership in MAC to a student pursuing graduate study in a multicourse program of archival administration. The scholarship is named for Louisa Bowen, longtime MAC member who was Associate Professor and University Archivist at Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville at the time of her death in 1996. Please inform anyone that you know currently enrolled in an archival program who may be interested in applying for the scholarship.

Bowen Scholarship Committee Guidelines

Chair: Lynn Smith (2020-2024)
Email: lynn.smith[at]

Membership Committee / State Reps

The Membership Committee consists of one person from each state in the MAC region, one representative for the Chicagoland area, and one representative for members outside the Midwest. The committee's charge is to promote and sustain membership in MAC. The committee is also responsible for collecting nominations for MAC's Emeritus Member Award and for hosting the new members' event at the spring and fall meetings. The committee members work with local archival associations and related professionals to get the good word about MAC out to potential members. In addition, the committee works with the Local Arrangements Committees to promote the meetings and help new members feel welcome. Committee members are available to help all MAC members with questions about MAC and its services, and channel the interests of members to help them participate in MAC activities and leadership.

Membership Committee Guidelines

Contact the Membership Committee Chair or State Representative

Meeting Coordinating Committee

The Meeting Coordinating Committee (MCC) is a standing committee charged with assisting the vice president in coordinating the various committees, officers, and activities involved in planning and executing MAC's biannual meetings. In addition, the MCC's goal is to provide continuity in the meetings' social and educational offerings. In addition to the chair, three other members, former LAC and Program Committee chairs, participate in fulfilling the committee's charge.

Newsletter Editorial Board

Newsletter Editorial Board is a standing committee that publishes the MAC Newsletter as a quarterly publication concerned with providing regular means of information and communication among MAC members. The Editorial Board consists of five to seven members, including the newsletter editor, who serves as board chair. The Public Information Officer and Membership Committee chair are full members of the committee by virtue of their office.

Newsletter Editorial Board Guidelines

Newsletter Editor Manual Supplement

Contact the MAC Newsletter Editor

Public Information Officer

The Public Information Officer (PIO) is responsible for generating publicity and promoting MAC. The position requires being a liaison to the various committees and assisting in publicizing the activities, awards, and events of the organization.

Public Information Officer Guidelines

Contact the Public Information Officer

Teller Committee

The Teller Committee (Tellers) shall collect the ballots and tabulate the legal votes cast in the Midwest Archives Conference (MAC) election and report the results to the President.

Teller Committee Guidelines

[Currently vacant]

Vendor Coordinator

The Vendor Coordinator (VC) is responsible for soliciting advertising for MAC Newsletter and arranges with various companies and organizations to exhibit at MAC meetings. Once vendors agree to display at the conferences, the VC works in conjunction with a member of the LAC to make arrangements for the exhibitors at the hotel. The VC is also responsible for advertisement exchanges with other archival organizations.

Vendor Coordinator Guidelines

Contact the Vendor Coordinator

Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator facilitates the list of volunteers to fill vacant positions of MAC. The Coordinator creates and maintains a document of all MAC volunteer positions and their terms of service and works closely with the Membership Coordinator and MAC leadership to solicit and identify volunteers for vacant positions.

Volunteer Coordinator Guidelines

Contact the Volunteer Coordinator


The Webmaster is responsible for maintaining the MAC Web site and assisting with the maintenance of the MAC On-Line Membership Directory.

Contact the Webmaster