MAC Leadership is seeking an individual to fill the role of Vendor Coordinator, to be effective after September 25, 2013. The Vendor Coordinator arranges for companies to exhibit at MAC’s spring and fall meetings and solicits advertising for MAC publications.
You can find more information about the role and responsibilities of the Vendor Coordinator at http://www.midwestarchives.org/mac-committees--positions
Interested parties should contact MAC President Amy Cooper Cary at [email protected] using the subject line MAC VENDOR COORDINATOR.
Please provide a brief summary of your MAC experience and any other experience appropriate to the Vendor Coordinator position. All applications will be considered at the 2013 Fall Council meeting on September 25.
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you!
Amy Cooper Cary
Amy Cooper Cary
Head, Special Collections and University Archives
Raynor Memorial Libraries
Marquette University
[email protected]
414-288-5901 |